I was able to get a nice air conditioner,

I had been looking for a new air conditioner for about two weeks.

  • I couldn’t believe they didn’t have any air conditioners in stock.

I had to look in several stores before I was even offered to have one ordered. I decided to order an air conditioner, even if it wasn’t being delivered for almost two weeks. The air conditioner was really nice and I told my husband I had ordered one. He was still angry at my trying to move the air conditioner on my own. I had the mess cleaned up before he got home, but there was no way I could hide that the air conditioning unit wasn’t in the window. So, two weeks ended up being a month and then another two weeks. The weather was already beginning to cool off by the time the air conditioning unit was delivered. My husband didn’t say anything, because he knew this was going to happen. He told me that there wouldn’t be any air conditioning units available during the summer. He also told me some other things, but I can’t talk about that. I have to admit that the air conditioner I bought was much nicer than the one I destroyed. My husband finally forgave me when he felt how much cool air was coming from the AC unit. He told me he would give me the money which I had to smile at. I told him I took it out of our joint checking account. He didn’t look happy at first, but then he started to laugh and he gave me a hug.


Gas fireplace

I almost killed our dog.

I was so upset with my husband this morning, that I told him to go to work and he didn’t have to come back.

I told him I was going to move the air conditioner out of the one window in our bedroom and put it in the other.

He told me that was work that didn’t need to be done. I wanted to have the sun shining in that window. With the AC unit there, I wasn’t getting full sun. I wanted it in the window that faced to the North. I couldn’t believe that he actually told me I could not do it. He wasn’t out of the house ten minutes until I decided I was going to move the air conditioner. I was going to show him who could and who couldn’t move the air conditioner. I walked over the air conditioner and I slid the window up far enough that I could get my fingers on it. I pulled gently as I slid the window up a little more. I wasn’t thinking about how there was more sticking outside the window than what I had inside the room. I tried to keep a hold on the air conditioner, but it wasn’t working. The air conditioner slowly slid out the window and it crashed on the ground. I saw and heard my dog yelp as he ran up on the porch. The dog was okay, but the air conditioner was in pieces strewn all the way out into the yard. I didn’t think I was going to be able to tell my husband that this was an accident.



My husband got a furnace for a Christmas present.

My husband and I had noticed that our heating system was slowly dying.

I knew we needed to get a new furnace.

We had known we needed one for the last two years. We worked hard to save the money, but as it often happens, something usually came up that needed the money worse. We kept putting off the inevitable and the holidays were on the way. I had been working hard for the past six months and I knew I was going to get a bonus for the holidays. I thought that with the way things were working out, it may not be as high as it usually is, but whatever the bonus was, it was going right toward a new furnace. My husband came home the other day and told me he had won the big prize at work. I didn’t know anything about prizes and he said it was for the worker that got the best and most reviews from customers. He had been working for an HVAC company for the last year. He was just an apprentice technician, but all of his customers loved him. He said he had won the contest and he got the prize. When he told me what the prize was, I was in shock. The owner of the HVAC company was offering a gift certificate toward any purchase of HvAC equipment. Our furnace was our Christmas present, thanks to his boss and all the clients he had worked for over the year. What the gift card didn’t cover, my bonus did.

a/c install

The thermostat might be what is wrong.

I was so upset when I realized my air conditioning wasn’t turning on.

I tried to adjust the thermostat, but nothing was happening.

I wasn’t sure if it was the air conditioning unit or the thermostat. I thought maybe I could diagnose them. I went online to see if I could find a Q&A about the air conditioning and thermostat. I did a lot of search but there wasn’t anything I felt capable of doing. I called my best friend and she told me I should call the HVAC company. I told her she was crazy. There was no way I could afford to have the HvAC company come out and inspect the AC unit and the thermostat. If it was the air conditioning unit, I didn’t know if I could afford to have it fixed, or replaced if that was the case. After reading through the Q&A section about the thermostat, I was pretty sure that might be what was wrong. I considered calling my brother, who was an HVAC technician. I knew he would come to the house, but he was at the hospital with his wife and new baby. I didn’t want to bother him. The longer I sat there, the hotter it got in my house. I went to town and bought a new thermostat. I wasn’t sure how to install it, but there were some pretty good directions. I called my friend and she came over to help, even if it was just moral support. As soon as I had the thermostat installed, the air conditioning unit began to work.

HVAC technician

I am so upset over my air purifier.

I am so upset with my air purifier.

  • I have had it for almost three years now, and it worked well for me.

When this one broke, I was upset. My dad was such a good guy that he went out and bought me a new air purifier. I worried what my mom was going to say when she found out about my dad making the purchase. She and dad haven’t gotten along for quite some time now. I’m afraid that if she finds out he got me such a good air purifier for my apartment, that she will get angry. She may think he is trying to buy my love. The truth is that dad is always giving me things I need. I used to work part time for the home center, when I was in college. I knew quite a bit about air purifiers, since that was the department I worked in most often. I took one look at the air purifier dad gave me, and I couldn’t believe it. It was the best air purifier we had in the store. I looked up the reviews and it was said to clean up to 99.97% of all impurities in the air. It even had its own HEPA air filter. I know that the air filters are going to be a bit expensive, but it is a small air purifier. It isn’t a whole home air purifier that goes into the HVAC system. I’m glad my dad was nice enough to buy me this air purifier and I cooked him his favorite lasagna to thank him.


air conditioning provider

Could the doctor be wrong about my wife?

My wife has been pregnant for sixteen weeks and it seems like she has developed allergies during the past month.

She has been suffering from allergy symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes, and constant sneezing.

A lot of doctors say that the body can change over time, especially when you get pregnant. I told my wife she might have allergies and we decided to talk to the doctor. As soon as my wife brought up allergies, the doctor immediately shut down the idea. He said it was impossible for my wife to develop allergies all of a sudden just because she was pregnant. My wife and I didn’t know what to think, because that doctor is usually correct. We went home to research the symptoms and the other problems that can cause these problems. My wife and I were convinced that the doctor was wrong. Everything pointed to allergies and I decided to buy an air purifier for our bedroom to see if it would help the problem. My wife was experiencing a lot of trouble sleeping at night and the $200 air purifier seemed like a small expense if it gave her any relief. We waited 5 days for the item to arrive and then we installed the air purifier as soon as we could. The very first night in the bedroom, my wife slept much better than she did in months. It’s clear to both of us that the air purifier is helping the problem and that points to allergies. I think the doctor might be wrong about this one.

heating and air conditioning

The poker room was filled with people

A lot of local businesses have rented air purifiers and air filtration equipment from the company where I work.

  • My coworkers and I are still responsible for maintaining the equipment when problems arise.

Since a lot of business owners do not understand how to maintain the industrial air filtration equipment, there are a lot of service calls during the week. The weekend is also quite busy and I was on call to service equipment last Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I received a call from the poker room. We have two dozen air purifiers set up in the poker room so they can continue to do business during the covid-19 problem. I was amazed by the number of people inside of the poker room. It didn’t seem like they were social distancing at all and there was less than 6 feet between many people. I didn’t want to enter the building when I saw the crowd of people, but I didn’t have any choice. I put on a mask and gloves and went inside to fix the air filtration issues. When I came back to work on Monday morning, I had a conversation with my boss about the conditions inside the building. My boss offered to take me off those jobs when they come up, but otherwise he didn’t seem very interested in my complaints. I probably could have called the health department to report the activity. They must be breaking the law in our county. There’s no way it’s safe to have the room filled with so many poker players.

Air duct cleaning

It’s tough to make grown up decisions

I knew it was going to be difficult to make a decision about my career path.

It’s a difficult decision that every person faces when they are forced to choose college or a career.

My mom and dad work in the healthcare field and I know they expected me to join them because it’s all they ever talk about. When I was growing up, my mom and dad talked about me being a doctor. It seems like my career was already chosen when I was born. My parents just expected me to go to college and learn medicine. Unfortunately, I have very little interest in the human body, biology, anatomy. I hate the sight of blood and I get squeamish anytime someone throws up. There’s no way that I want to work in a hospital for an emergency room. I would like to work with my hands in a different way. My best friend’s dad owns a heating and cooling repair company. I’ve been spending a lot of time with my best friend and his dad always talks about heating and cooling work. A couple of weeks ago, Brad and I went to an HVAC installation to help out and I had a lot of fun. I think a career in HVAC technology might be the right path for me. I would still get to work with my hands, but I would be outside most of the time instead of inside a building. If I choose HVAC work as my career, it will probably break my parents’ hearts.
HEPA filter

Portable A/C for camping is expensive weekend purchase

Some of my friends have more money than good ideas.

It was very clear when a friend of mine purchased a portable AC unit for camping.

The portable AC unit was $279. My friends and I planned to vote camping over the 4th of July weekend. We made the plans months and months in advance and we knew not the temperatures would be extremely warm and humid. When John saw the forecast, he started to get nervous. He tried to back out of the weekend, and I politely reminded him that he is the only one in the group with a boat. I told him that he was being a baby and 98° isn’t that much hotter than 94 degrees. John complained for 3 days in a row and then he stopped by one night with the solution to his problem. He bought a portable AC unit from the hardware store and he was planning to take it on the camping trip. The portable AC unit was big and bulky and it had additional accessories that needed to be installed. I thought it was a terrible idea and a really expensive purchase for three days of camping. On our fourth of July weekend, we saw the portable AC unit in action for the first time. It definitely cooled down the inside of the tent, but there was a lot of moisture on the tent fabric. It also took up half of the space inside of the tent. John seems perfectly happy with the AC unit and he never complained about the temperatures one time.


ductless HVAC

Comfort while pregnant

I found out I was pregnant about two months ago.

I am so excited because my husband and I have been trying for a while now.

This is going to be our first child and I can’t wait to be a mother! We still don’t know if we are going to have a boy or girl yet, but I am still so excited about being pregnant. I have dreamed about being a mother for as long as I can remember. I haven’t had any terrible symptoms during my pregnancy so far, but I am having terrible hot flashes. I can not get comfortable in my house and it is miserable. I just sit under the air conditioner vents and try to cool off. I know my husband is trying to help me out, but his suggestions never help. I have been cranking the air conditioner and I know he is probably freezing cold in the house. I do feel bad, but I just can’t get comfortable because I am so hot. I wish I could just sit in the freezer because that’s the only thing that sounds good right now. I know that our HVAC system is constantly running and our electric bill is going to be high during my pregnancy, but having the air conditioner blasting is the only way to make the temperature bearable. Once the baby comes I am hoping that I will be able to go back to keeping the thermostat at a comfortable temperature, but for now I am going to keep the air conditioner on all the time.


