I was watching ‘Naked & Afraid’.

Since the pandemic has begun, I have been spending a lot of time in my apartment.

I have been watching some of the oddest shows.

I didn’t know they had so various reality shows on the local & syndicated channels. I came across a show called ‘Naked & Afraid’. After watching the show for twenty minutes & making fun of it for ten minutes, I decided it should have been called ‘Naked & Ridiculously Stupid’. Two complete strangers, 1 person & 1 man, out in the middle of nowhere, with no clothing & no supplies. They weren’t even getting paid. This was simply so they could prove something to themselves. I would rather prove something to myself in my own home. I could typically turn off the air conditioning or gas furnace & go without heating or cooling for a couple afternoons. I could see if I could go without comfort for any amount of time. I would never go out in the middle of nowhere, with a different man that is naked. You know they aren’t alone. Someone is taking all those pictures out there. I’m sure they have portable s to keep them comfortable. I wonder if they don’t have trailers that are all decked out with everything they need, including the AC. I would sneak into that van every night. To heck with the bugs, snakes & other slimy things that are out there; I would rather be dressed & comfortable. I think fear enough, just thinking about going without my air purification idea in the home or forgetting my mask when I open the front door.


Cooling expert