Going to church, AC is best part

When we went to church every Sunday morning, on the other hand, the entire building was flooded with high-quality indoor air from their central air conditioning system

I can’t wait until it’s Sunday again. I’m really disappointed that today is only Tuesday and I have so many days to pass before getting back into my favorite place on Earth. To be fair, this place is my direct connection to heaven. Yes, I’m talking about my amazing church. I’ve been attending the same little community church for the last 20 years and I can’t foresee that ever changing. These are my folks, and my family. I’m never going to turn my back on these wonderful human beings or our shared faith. On top of it, I would never walk away from such amazing, free indoor air quality. When I first joined the church, I was just a little kid. At the time, I didn’t have a great understanding of indoor air quality or air temperature management. However, even back then I knew that the central air conditioning system that serves us at the church was far more comfortable than our sweltering indoor air at home. We had a single AC window unit in our house which barely managed to turn out any high-quality indoor air. I remember many Summers where I was sweating to death lying in front of a fan and praying that the heat would dissipate. When we went to church every Sunday morning, on the other hand, the entire building was flooded with high-quality indoor air from their central air conditioning system. The AC unit had been a donation from a local HVAC repair shop and it was very well-maintained. That air conditioning system was my first foray into appreciating Jesus Christ. To this day, I can’t imagine church without that comfortable sensation of air conditioning.


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