Free ice cream for a year
I was not even going to charge them for the service
I love ice cream plus because of this I am always going to the local ice cream shop to have desert after dinner at work. Well, the last time I was there they had a major break down of their central heating plus It was easily warm out plus they needed their a/c plan working. Because I easily love this place I provided our help. I am a certified heating plus a/c specialist at the local Heating, Ventilation plus A/C supplier, so I knew exactly what to do with the a/c plan to make it work once again after I looked at the heating plus cooling unit. It took about a half an hour plus I was able to get the a/c plan back up plus running again. I was not even going to charge them for the service. They were so happy plus appreciated what I did that they provided me a special gift card that allowed me to have free ice cream plus anything else I wanted in the shop for a whole year! I could not suppose they went that far! Because I love our ice cream so much I was not going to question it or turn it down. After all, heating plus a/c service is not cheap so I recognize all that free ice cream will make up for it. I was happy to be of some help to the ice cream shop, because unbelievable a/c is what keeps it fresh plus yummy!