Did you hear the story about the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C tech who constantly wore lipstick when fixing an A/C unit?

My father was constantly the one who would come lake house with the wildest of stories.

He told us everything that happened at work, just to make us laugh. He worked for the local Heating, Ventilation, and A/C dealer. One afternoon he was telling how they sent out the beefiest Heating, Ventilation, and A/C tech they had, to work on a oil furnace. He called with the emergency number on our cell phones. He was having a rough time in the basement. When Mom got there, he said he couldn’t help however start laughing so taxing that he had tears rolling down his cheeks. The tech was stuck between the oil furnace and the wall and he couldn’t budge. Apparently his shirt had gotten affixed to a nail sticking out of the wall. This was our normal conversation while in supper. Last week, he came lake house and asked if he had ever told us the story about the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C tech who constantly wore lipstick when fixing an A/C unit? All of us all looked a bit skeptical. All of us had never heard of a man who wore lipstick and the people I was with and I couldn’t wait for the story. He said that every time they sent this professional out to work on an a/c, they had lipstick on. He said the story spread hastily and everyone wanted to see the tech who wore lipstick. He said he was laughing, as constantly, because he knew who the tech was. When more than four Heating, Ventilation, and A/C techs got out of the service van to ‘help’ the tech, everyone blushed. The Heating, Ventilation, and A/C tech with lipstick, was the new female tech they had hired just a couple months earlier.


Residential HVAC