I model Heating & A/C systems

When I was growing up I was obsessed with the show America’s Next Top Model. I desperately wanted to be a contestant on the show so I could gain my claim to fame. I actually wanted to put on all of the beautiful clothing as well as have my cosmetics professionally managed by a team of artists. However, I never realized how difficult it would be to join the modeling industry. In fact, there are millions of women just love me who have the same plan in mind! Relatively early on, I realized that I had too much competition to be a runway model as I had dreams. However, I am blissful to report that this week I am a model.., for central heating as well as cooling systems. I never would have imagined that I would be the spokesperson for a major air quality control company. I work with the product development team as well as the advertising team to assist with their air handling device promotions every time a current piece of air quality control machinery comes on to the market. First, they have me interact with the air quality device as though I am learning about indoor air handling devices for the first time. I often have to pretend that I do not suppose how an A/C unit works at all. Then, they teach me the basics of programming the Heating & A/C devices inside my own home, but after that, they take a few shots where I am enjoyable in the high quality indoor air provided by the central heating as well as cooling system. After the people I was with and I have gathered all of our promotional materials with the central heating, cooling, as well as ventilation device the pictures are used for our website as well as physical magazine. It’s not as glamorous as ANTM, but I get to keep a lot of the Heating & A/C devices.

HVAC worker

My best Heating & A/C tech is a grump

Sometimes you have to teach people personal skills that they certainly should already have, then this has been the case many times in my professional job as I have tried to teacher as well as manage a group of particular ly difficult men! When I was graduating from heating, cooling, as well as ventilation professional school I realized that the people I was with and I never had a single class that taught us how to interact with the client.

The two of us knew all the ins as well as outs of heating as well as cooling repair, upgrade jobs, as well as routine service services, however i could basically diagnose or install an A/C plan with my eyes closed as well as my hands tied behind my back, but however, many of my classmates had no plan how social norms as well as pleasantries worked.

I should have taken this into account before I opened my own heating as well as cooling dealership. In fact, it is more difficult managing your heating as well as cooling workers in regards to their customer service complaints then it is to hire brand current as well as highly skilled heating, cooling, as well as ventilation professionals. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to lecture my best Heating & A/C worker on the team. He is an amazing heating as well as cooling worker as well as I can constantly rely on him for the most difficult residential Heating & A/C service services. However, he is constantly getting into verbal battles with the clients. If somebody is neglecting or abusing their central heating as well as cooling system, he cannot seem to hold his tongue about their unwise actions. I am tired of all the downside reviews. However, it seems love my top heating as well as cooling worker just cares too much about the Heating & A/C device that he services.

Air conditioner tune-up

Working the “on call” shift is awesome

I think a lot of people can’t handle the unpredictability as well as ambiguity of working on-call.

  • I understand why it can be rather stressful to recognize like you might be disrupted at any given moment in order to go do a completely unrelated task.

It’s also drastically stressful when you are responsible for other people’s safety as well as livelihood in this situation. I divulge that if I was a dentist I absolutely would not appreciate being on call all the time. You can never relax with a superb glass of wine if you thought you might be responsible for someone’s life 5 hours later. As a professional heating, cooling, as well as ventilation worker, but, I don’t have any concern with being on call. In fact, I appreciate being the emergency maintenance worker for our heating, cooling, as well as air quality control dealership. I have been working as the designated emergency maintenance worker for over 10 years now. Throughout that time I have never been frustrated about a single a/c maintenance or forced air oil furnace disaster when I have been called on to duty. In fact, I definitely love being the person who saves people’s days when they have an unexpected Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C emergency. It doesn’t bother myself and others 1 bit that I might be interrupted in our day-to-day activities when somebody is having a heating as well as cooling breakdown that they can’t handle. In fact, I like feeling like I am the knight in shining armor as I jump into our Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C labor truck as well as speed to the rescue of our residential Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C customer… Plus, as long as I can drive, our Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C job doesn’t require myself and others to stay away from the wine.


air quality

I convinced my parents to take off their masks by having a UV air purification system installed

I have been extremely worried about my parents.

They are getting up there in age and therefore, they are vulnerable to this virus that is spreading around the world.

They have been so worried about catching the virus, they even wear their masks inside of their home. Now, I don’t personally believe that the virus is going to get into their home unless they come into contact with somebody who has the virus, but they are not taking any chances. You should see them, they are struggling really bad just wearing those masks all the time. They both wear glasses and their glasses keep fogging up making it very difficult for them to walk around their own home! Eventually, I just got sick of seeing this when I would visit, and I told them they should just take off their masks. When they said they didn’t think that was safe, I told them there was a good way to make them safe. When they asked how, that’s when I dialed up the HVAC company and told them we needed to have a UV air purification system installed. My father said he didn’t want to have to pay for some fancy air purification system, but I told him that I would cover the cost for the installation. I explained to my parents that the UV air purification system works to kill harmful bacteria and viruses that might be in the air. They both were shocked that there is such an invention that can do that. When the UV air purification system was installed, they finally took off their masks, and they have been so much happier. They don’t have foggy glasses, and they can breathe so much easier now!



air conditioning company

After my glasses were broken, I decided to get a thermostat with more visible numbers

I actually thought that was a great idea and so I called up the HVAC company.

As I have gotten older, my vision is not as good as it used to be. I have always worn glasses, and not so long ago, my glasses were cracked. This was unfortunate because I wasn’t able to see much of anything. I made an appointment to get new glasses, but I had to wait several days before my appointment. In the meantime, I was having trouble with my temperature control settings. I have been using this old digital thermostat where I can’t even see the temperatures because the numbers are too small and blurry for me. I was telling my wife that I wished we had a thermostat with large numbers that were easy to see. I hate having to squint when adjusting the temperature control settings. It was difficult enough before my glasses were broken, but now I was just struggling to get the right temperature control settings in our home. My wife suggested that I call up the HVAC company to see about getting a newer type of thermostat. I actually thought that was a great idea and so I called up the HVAC company. When I was telling them that I wanted a nice thermostat with a screen that showed large numbers, they said they had the perfect thermostat for me. They said it was a smart thermostat and the numbers were definitely large. I wasn’t sure if I should go for something fancy like that, but then they told me that using a smart thermostat would allow me to save up to 10% on my energy bills. I decided to go for it, and I absolutely love the screen with the large numbers that I can see! Also, I don’t even have to go to the thermostat, I can just say aloud what I want the temperature control settings to be because it has voice commands!



HVAC contractor

Radiant heated floors has definitely improved my bathroom experience

I figured there had to be something that could be done.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than soaking in a bath. I love bubble baths and I love to use bath beads. I love when the water is nice and hot and I can just soak for a long while. I also enjoy having scented candles lit while I am taking a bath. There are times when I will even have wine to enjoy while taking a bath as it helps me to relax. Sometimes my husband will even give me chocolates to eat while I’m relaxing in the bath. The only thing that I really hate is when I am done taking a bath and the floor tiles are entirely freezing! I have asked my husband if we can get some kind of portable heating unit in the bathroom, but he says that would be dangerous. He doesn’t want me to get electrocuted if the heater gets water on it. Then I asked him if there was anything that the HVAC company could do to make the tiles warmer. I figured there had to be something that could be done. He finally called up the HVAC company and told them about the situation with the cold bathroom tiles. Then he let me know that they were talking about installing radiant heated floors. As soon as I heard “heated floors”, I was all for it! That actually sounded perfect, so my husband made the arrangements with the HVAC company and had radiant heated floors installed in our bathrooms. Ever since the radiant heated floors have been installed, I have been enjoying my time in the bathroom more than ever before!



HVAC provider

My wife made a pretty good case as to why I shouldn’t shave my head

When it starts to get hot outside in the summer season, I love to shave my head. Honestly, I love having my head shaved because then I don’t have to comb my hair all of the time and it’s just easier to maintain myself. I would go with a shaved head all of the time, but it just gets too cold in the winter months. My wife thinks it’s crazy that I enjoy shaving my head, but I keep telling her about the benefits of having a shaved head when it’s hot outside. Even with the air conditioning, it just feels better when the A/C from the HVAC vents flows across your shaved head, because you can really feel the chill in the air. It’s really the best feeling ever! After I was telling my wife about how good it felt to have the A/C flowing across your shaved head, that’s when she said that maybe she should shave her head in the summer as well. When she said that, I thought she was joking, but then she went to grab the hair clippers and was ready to shave her own hair off. I told her to stop, because I didn’t want her to shave her head. When she asked why, I couldn’t come up with a good reason that might not seem offensive. I told her how much I loved her hair, and it just wouldn’t be the same. Then she told me she loved my hair as well and I should think about not shaving it every single summer. I suppose as long as we keep the temperature control settings just right in the summer, I might be able to quit shaving my head.


Air conditioning supplier

I really miss my ex, the HVAC technician

I really miss my ex, but probably not for the reason that you would assume.

My ex was a jerk, but at least living with him had benefits.

For instance, whenever my ex was around, I never had to worry about my furnace or my central air conditioner. I didn’t get along with my ex very well, and I am glad that we are not dating anymore, but it sure is sad that I do not get free HVAC repairs anymore. It was kind of nice dating the HVAC technician for a while. My ex may not have been a good boyfriend, but he was definitely a good HVAC technician. He was a young HVAC technician, but even the owner of the HVAC company recognized that he was good at HVAC units. Part of the reason that my boyfriend and I never got along was the HVAC company. It seemed like my boyfriend lived at the HVAC company. He was always gone, and it was hard to even spend time with him because of his work with the HVAC company. I absolutely hated the fact that he worked all of the time. We never talked, but he thought that he made up for it by keeping my HVAC units running. I was thankful for the HVAC units being repaired, but a relationship is based upon communication, not HVAC units. We eventually broke up. However, right now, I wish that I was still dating him. My furnace and my central air conditioner have been giving me problems, and I am actually going to have to spend money paying an HVAC technician to fix my HVAC units.



air conditioning

I could not figure out how to recharge my air conditioner

I honestly could not figure out how to recharge the air conditioner in my car.

I hated the car that I was driving.

The car had a major problem with the air conditioner. Sure, the air conditioner would work if you recharged the air conditioner, but the leak was so bad in the air conditioner that the air conditioner would not even remain running for an entire day. The only reason that I was even driving the car was that the car was given to me as a gift, and I could not afford a better car at the time. Otherwise, I would have definitely ditched that car for a better car. I had only had it for a few weeks when I found out that the air conditioner would work if you recharged the air conditioner. My father-in-law tried to recharge the air conditioner before I went to visit my parents. He had never tried recharging the air conditioner before, but we were so happy when it worked. Even if the air conditioner only worked for a few hours, it would be worth it to have an air conditioner on that trip. When we got there, the air conditioner was already starting to turn off, so we realized that we would have to charge the air conditioner before any major trip. I enjoyed the time with my family, and when it was time to leave, I decided to try to recharge my air conditioner. Unfortunately, I could not figure out why my central air conditioner was not working properly. I had no idea that I was trying to charge the air conditioner from the wrong place. It didn’t work, and I had to drive that car the entire trip without an air conditioner before I realized what was wrong.
Cooling install

I was able to patch the air conditioner in my car

The owner of the car had only recharged the air conditioner to make it seem like it was working, but after a couple of days, all of the coolant had leaked out of the air conditioner

I am so glad that I was able to patch the air conditioner that was in the car that I just purchased. I cannot believe that the previous owner tried to lie to me about the car that he just sold me. When I bought the car, I specifically asked the owner about the air conditioner. I was looking for an affordable car, but I specifically wanted to make sure that I had a car that had a working air conditioner in it. I have had to drive cars without an air conditioner before, and it is definitely not a pleasant experience. It definitely is not an experience that I would want to have to go through again. Instead, I would definitely prefer buying a car with a working air conditioner. That is why I asked about the air conditioner. The owner of the car told me that the air conditioner was working, and he mentioned that he had never had a problem with the air conditioner. He even turned on the air conditioner, and the air conditioner seemed to be working. The air was very cool. I bought the car and even registered it. However, by the end of the week, the air conditioner had already stopped working in the car. That is when I realized that the air conditioner had a hole in one of the pressure lines. The owner of the car had only recharged the air conditioner to make it seem like it was working, but after a couple of days, all of the coolant had leaked out of the air conditioner. Fixing this could be a huge pain, but I wanted to try to patch the air conditioner before I took it to a mechanic. Thankfully, the patch held, so I have an air conditioner. I could not believe that the owner lied to me!

ductless HVAC