Author: admin

Looking forward to my replace

With Wintertide about to come in the next month or so, I have been planning a important change in the way I heat my home. I had researched everything to find more information on heating as well as the best way to save cash. And well, I found it! The answer was getting a geothermal […]

My mom plus Mom had a bad week this week

I believe the seasoned saying is tplot that when it rains it pours, because they had all kinds of troubles happen to them this week, their refrigerator stopped working, they had 2 flat tires, plus then my Mom got into a fender bender… Just when they thought the week couldn’t get any worse, they realized […]

Documentary about air quality

My roommate appreciates to watch documentaries. She is regularly enjoying deranged documentaries about the strangest things! Last year when I got lake home from work, I saw my roommate kneeling on the couch enjoying a documentary about air quality. The documentary was explaining how airborne toxins travel through the air as well as can cause […]

Documentary about indoor air quality

So of course after enjoying the documentary about indoor air quality, she was convinced that the two of us needed to have an air purification idea installed with our new heating plus cooling system. My roommate loves to watch documentaries. She is always enjoying crazy documentaries about the strangest things, and last month when I […]

Can still hear the pet through the vents

Recently I l gained about a term that explains so much about my personality. It turns out, there are people who are known as HSP’s on this planet. To be certain, this term refers to highly sensitive people. These are human beings who are identifiably tuned into their environments plus have a strenuous time filtering […]