Author: admin

My air purifier isn’t working any more.

I can’t believe that in the middle of a pandemic, my air purifier quit working. When the air purifier broke, I went right out to buy another one. I wanted to get something better than what I had, but that wasn’t possible. Air purifiers can be really expensive. I decided to go with the same […]

I was going to buy a new car.

When the air conditioning in my car broke, I knew it was time to purchase a new car. I knew there was something wrong with the air conditioning, but I couldn’t afford to have it fixed. I was told that the most expensive thing to repair on a car is the HVAC system. I have […]

The new car has air conditioning.

When the air conditioning broke down in my car, I knew I had to buy a new car. How many people can say they have had a car for fifteen years? I could, and that is why I couldn’t be upset about getting rid of this car for a new one. I tried to find […]

It’s tough to make grown up decisions

I knew it was going to be difficult to make a decision about my career path. It’s a difficult decision that every person faces when they are forced to choose college or a career. My mom and dad work in the healthcare field and I know they expected me to join them because it’s all […]

The poker room was filled with people

A lot of local businesses have rented air purifiers and air filtration equipment from the company where I work. My coworkers and I are still responsible for maintaining the equipment when problems arise. Since a lot of business owners do not understand how to maintain the industrial air filtration equipment, there are a lot of […]

Could the doctor be wrong about my wife?

My wife has been pregnant for sixteen weeks and it seems like she has developed allergies during the past month. She has been suffering from allergy symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes, and constant sneezing. A lot of doctors say that the body can change over time, especially when you get pregnant. I told my […]

Planning a HVAC surprise for my wife

My wife loves to work on crafts. She is always sewing, knitting, or creating something. However, she doesn’t have a great space in the house to work. She keeps everything in our bedroom and I know that she would love to have one space where everything she needed was organized and not stuffed under our […]