Trust the HVAC pros to get repair right

I can be a real stubborn idiot at times.

Thankfully, this isn’t a constant characteristic or central to my being.

But, it is definitely true that I can get a bit obsessed and be unwilling to let go of certain things. This should be happening less and less because I am completely aware of the fact that this behavior normally ends badly. An example of this phenomenon can be seen in how I handled the latest HVAC situation. I’m a bit mechanically inclined. Certainly no sort of expert of any kind. Just a guy that can sometimes figure out how to repair something or complete a household project. When the HVAC began to act up, I figured I’d have a peek prior to calling the HVAC professionals. Maybe it was an easy fix. Of course, my wife warned me off of this thinking because she’s actually smart. But, I wasn’t going to give up until I at least took a look at things to see if there was something rather obvious out of place. I should never have even taken the front panel off of the HVAC air handle. And, I have no idea why that was the first place I went. There wasn’t even a trip to the internet to get some sort of idea or what I was looking for. I just went straight for the air handler because that is where I could detect an unusual sound. But in simply taking off the panel and inspecting the guts of the HVAC air handler, I messed something up as I heard a pop. My wife put an end to all of it by having the HVAC tech get out as soon as possible. It probably saved me from completely destroying the HVAC.


Indoor air cleaning system