Pure competition
I just hope someone doesn’t point this out to them
Just when I thought I had seen it all in terms of people competing with each other, I seen a whole new type of competition that took guts to go into. There are these 2 heating and air conditioning companies in my local area. One of which just opened up. And they are so close to each other and in high competition. They are always trying to outdo each other with the discounts and deals. Always trying to make the other be forced to go out of business. It is pretty funny actually. And to tell you the truth, I end up using the both of them! It all depends on who has the best prices going on whenever I need heating and air conditioning system service. This is the way i believe everyone thinks as well. So in the end it actually pans out for both companies. No one is losing business because neither of them can keep the discounts going all the time to outdo the other. It is pretty hilarious. I just hope someone doesn’t point this out to them. Because this set up that we have with these 2 heating and air conditioning companies make it so that we always have ultra cheap and affordable heating and air conditioning service in our local area. More so than other areas close to us. If one of these heating and air conditioning companies decide to go out of business or stop competing with each other, we could very well lose these great prices that we almost always have available to us.