My mom paid for an air purification system to be installed in my house
My mom paid for an air purification system to be installed in my house.
I cannot believe it.
I am still in shock, and she informed me about it like a week and a half ago. The men are supposed to be here today to start the process, and I am more than thrilled about it. I had been wanting to have an air purification system installed in my house for years, but I just could not seem to save up the money. Everytime that I came close to having enough money, something would break around my house or in my car. It was quite frustrating to say the least. I had been close to having enough money three times. The third time, my air conditioner started giving me troubles, so I had to pay a lot of money to get that fixed, and I no longer had the savings I needed in order to get an air purification system installed. I literally called my mom crying about it. I was so upset because I had tried so hard to save up the money so many times. I did not at all expect her to pay for it. I never even thought about her paying to get an air purification system installed in my home. That would have been outrageous for me to think that she would pay that much money just for an air purification system in her daughter’s house. I am so thankful that my mom did not think that way, and she decided to pay for an air purification system in my home. I am blessed beyond measure to have such a caring mom.