My air purifier isn’t working any more.

I can’t believe that in the middle of a pandemic, my air purifier quit working.

When the air purifier broke, I went right out to buy another one.

I wanted to get something better than what I had, but that wasn’t possible. Air purifiers can be really expensive. I decided to go with the same model that I just got rid of. I know it isn’t good to be cheap, especially when it is your own safety, but I had to have an air purifier and that was the only one I could afford. It was poetic justice that within two weeks of buying the air purifier, it broke. I bought the extended warranty, but I soon found out it wasn’t worth what I paid for it. They offered free repair or replacement, so I took the air purifier back to the store. They told me I had to send it back to the manufacturer. By the time I got done with the runaround, I was so upset that I took the air purifier back to the store. I called my credit card company and told them the purchase was fraudulent. I then went out and bought an air purifier that would last longer than two weeks. I couldn’t believe the difference in my air quality. This new air purifier made a change within two days. When I had the old air purifier, I didn’t have air quality anywhere near as good as what I have now. I wish I had spent the extra money when I bought the first one. I would probably still be using the same air purifier.


