I need to figure out how to fix my central air conditioner
I really need to figure out how I am going to fix my central air conditioner.
I know that I do not know much about central air conditioners, but I am going to have to do something about my central air conditioner, or I am going to be in big trouble this summer.
I wish that I wasn’t struggling so much financially. Before I lost my job, I would have never worried about the central air conditioner. Whenever my furnace or my central air conditioner stopped working before, the only thing that I needed to do was to call an HVAC technician to have them fix my HVAC unit. However, now, I cannot afford to fix my central air conditioner. I just barely was able to afford to fix the furnace during winter, and my new job does not pay as well, so I am not able to afford to do a lot. Instead, if I want to use my central air conditioner, I am going to have to learn how to fix my own central air conditioner. Honestly, I have no idea how to even begin learning how to fix my own HVAC unit. Fixing my own HVAC unit was not something that I ever thought that I was going to have to learn how to do. I figured that it would be super easy to learn, but I was wrong. Sure, there are a lot of videos online that tell you how to fix your own central air conditioner, but I do not even have the slightest clue about what is wrong with my central air conditioner. Even if I did, I do not have the right tools to fix my central air conditioner. Do you know how hard it is to fix something with the wrong tools?