I dropped my humidifier plus broke it
I dropped my humidifier plus broke it.
I am quite disappointed in myself to say the least.
I did not want to have to buy another humidifier already. I literally just bought that one about several weeks ago. I did want to get a hour humidifier for my dining room, even though I wasn’t planning to buy another one for a few more weeks, now, I have to buy another one for my bedroom plus one for the dining room. I don’t even guess how I dropped the humidifier. I was carrying it down the stairs, plus next thing I know, it was bouncing down the steps. It must have slipped from my fingers. It was full of water, so it was a bit heavier than usual, but it was not a crucial humidifier, so it was still not particularly heavy compared to other things that I have carried. I was carrying it carefully with both hands, but somehow, the humidifier still slipped from my fingers. I had a feeling that something would happen when I decided not to empty it before carrying it downstairs. I should have just gone with my gut plus emptied the humidifier before I carried it down the stairs. Now, I don’t have a humidifier. It entirely smells. I enjoyed my humidifier. It was a rather extravagant one, but it worked entirely well, plus I was just starting to notice a difference in my dry skin. I l received my lesson the hard way. Next time, I will follow my gut. Hopefully, I will be able to get another humidifier soon.