I didn’t even know that there were HVAC technicians. My dad always fixed ours
I didn’t even know that there were HVAC technicians.
- By that, I mean that I had never heard of an HVAC technician before.
Now, I know what HVAC technicians are at this moment, but I had never heard of an HVAC technician before. I guess that I had never seen an HVAC technician do anything to our HVAC units. In our house, my dad was the one that fixed my furnace and my central air conditioner. I never really wondered how other people fixed their HVAC units. I just figured that fixing your own HVAC units was one of those things that every dad knows how to do. My dad was teaching me how to fix my own HVAC units, so I figured that every kid must learn how to fix their own HVAC units. My belief in this was never challenged until I was a junior in high school. We had a ton of companies come to our school to try to teach us about different jobs and careers that we could choose from, and one of those people was an HVAC technician. I discovered that most people had no idea how to fix an HVAC unit, and if you did not know how to fix an HVAC unit, you had to call an HVAC technician to have them fix their HVAC units. Apparently, HVAC technicians charge a lot of money and that is why people want to become HVAC technicians. Still, I am glad that I learned how to fix my own HVAC units. I would never want to pay for an HVAC technician.
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