Construction worker boyfriend

My boyfriend works really hard everyday at work.

He is in construction and is out in the sun all day long.

We live in a southern part of the country so we have really intense heat in the summer months. The summer time is when he is the most busy with work too. He is outside all day building houses and large buildings. My boyfriend says that he really likes his job, but I just don’t know how he works all day without air conditioning. He says that they are allowed to take breaks and sit in their trucks with the air conditioning going for fifteen minutes at a time. I just don’t think that would work for me! I love going into my office everyday because the air conditioning is always on and blasting cold air. Most of the other girls in the office complain about how cold it is, but I love it. I even saw one of the girls sneaking in a small space heater to keep under her desk. I know that I run hot, but I really don’t think having a space heater is necessary! I feel like that is a disaster waiting to happen. I told my boyfriend that if he switched careers he could work inside a cool office all day, but that isn’t something he wants to do. I hope that he doesn’t work too hard out there because everyday he comes home looking like he is overworked!

air conditioning filter