Buying a portable AC for the treehouse
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My family and I had to find a way to entertain ourselves.
We had a whole garage full of wood panels, two-by-fours, and drywall. We decided to build a small tree house in two of the oak trees in the backyard. I worked on the project from sunup until sundown. I came in for lunch with the kids, but I worked outside the rest of the day. It took two weeks to complete the treehouse project. Now that it is finished, the kids are having a great time hanging out in the trees. We only have a single problem to fix. It’s very warm inside of the treehouse and the heat and humidity are only going to get worse as the summer progresses. My wife and I had a great idea. We thought about buying a small portable air conditioner to put in the tree house. We even talked to the local HVAC contractor about the idea. The contractor told us that he could easily install a portable air conditioner, but he also said it wasn’t a very difficult job. He gave us the name of a few different portable air conditioners that would work well in this application. My wife and I went to the hardware store to find one of the air conditioners. We had to run a dedicated extension cord out to the Treehouse, but I managed to hang the portable air conditioner in a high corner. It’s out of the way where the kids won’t bother it, and it still provides a great deal of cooling power to the whole room.
More information on air conditioning