A deal too good to refuse
The HVAC system we had at the time was in perfect condition and hadn’t given us any problems, but after seeing all of the cool features that this HVAC system came with I just had to get it
Ever since I was a little kid I have been a sucker for good deals. While this little vice of mine never landed me in much trouble when I was still little and didn’t have much money to lose, now that I am getting older it would be fair to say that it is becoming a bit of a problem. While my wife who has always been a bit of a penny pincher has done everything within her power to help slow down my appetite for pulling the trigger on deals, it hasn’t been very effective. Just the other day while I was out running errands I thought and decided to drop by at my friends work to say hello I ended up making a very expensive, last second purchase. My best friend Erik works as a certified HVAC repair technician down at the local HVAC company, and after nearly a month of being out of commission from getting injured while at work he was finally back. I thought that heading over to see him would be a short endeavor, however as we continued to talk Erik mentioned to me that they had recently gotten a new shipment of HVAC units that he thought I should check out. The HVAC system we had at the time was in perfect condition and hadn’t given us any problems, but after seeing all of the cool features that this HVAC system came with I just had to get it. As you might expect my wife wasn’t very happy with me when I came back home later and broke the news to her. To this day she is still trying to get me to return it, but after it is installed and she sees how much of an upgrade it is I am hoping she will finally give up the fight and let us both enjoy our new HVAC system in peace.